About us

The Founder
Father Marcel Roussel-Galle was born on June 8, 1910, in Les Fins, a small village in the Municipality of Besançon, in France.
Very early he heard God’s call to the priesthood. After the period of formation in the seminary, he received priestly ordination on December 22, 1934. Faced with the complex and changing religious situations of his time, moved by the Holy Spirit, he had the intuition of forming a “missionary family” made up of young workers. Encouraged by the then Archbishop of Paris, he officially founded the Family of the Missionary Workers of the Immaculate on February 11, 1950, which quickly became international with the arrival of sisters from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania.
Fr. Marcel Roussel-Galle received the intuition to continue the Mission of the Lord and the Church, with the creation of the L’Eau Vive restaurants.
He died in Rome on February 22, 1984.
The Missionary Workers of the Immaculate
Responding to the call of the Lord, we, Missionary Workers of the Immaculate, consecrate our whole life and forever to God, with a fraternal and working life in common, following the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family of Nazareth. In the spirit of an international family, we form the Donum Dei(If you knew the gift of God) Society of Apostolic Life.
St. Francis of Sales and St. Therese of Lisieux are our teachers of the spiritual life. The Immaculate Conception and Saint Joan of Arc, our models of spousal life in the world.

Why l'Eau Vive?
L’Eau Vive, which means ‘living water’, takes its cue from the Gospel according to John. While Jesus was crossing the region of Samaria and stopped near Jacob’s well, came a woman to draw water. Jesus questioned her and slowly revealed to her the mystery of the gift of God, confiding to her that he himself was L’Eau Vive, that is, the Living Water that quenches all thirst.
Depending on the circumstances, places and times, we try in any activity to make every man and woman we meet, hear the lament of the thirsty Jesus “Give me a drink” and the deep desire to draw from the true source of water that we meet that gushes for eternity.
L’Eau Vive is the first channel in that broad and exciting apostolic project in which the Immaculate Conception, the Virgin of the Poor (Marian apparitions in Banneux, Belgium in 1933) holds an unparalleled place. This is attested by the singing of the Ave Maria of Lourdes that rises every day from L’Eau Vive.
Every evening the singing of the Ave Maria
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